Viewer Discretion Is Advised

Today was the official beginning of the journey into philosophy of sexuality.

This blog was created entirely for the purpose of depicting my ridiculous classmates for a friend living over seas. This class uses an absolutely offensive vocabulary so if you are easily offended I do not recommend reading any postings under this page as your ears/eyes  (depending if you are reading aloud) may start on fire.

Let me begin with the prof.
Awesome. She opens the class with the word 'cunt', and says it 50 times over just so that anyone who can't handle it drops out quickly. There are 44 of us I think? And I would guesstimate that 30 are female, but I am going to do a gendered head count on thursday.
There is a man who was sitting in front of me with salt and pepper hair who wore a wedding ring and giggled at the prof's jokes about her personal sexual encounters, he would also turn around to see if anyone else was finding these stories to be as hilarious as he did.
There was also another younger fellow in the front row who looked like he had never been so interested in anything else in his entire life. He is a regular at Starbucks so I will be sure to make a joke about sterile sex next time he comes in because he was so intrigued by the natural law theorists and their stance on sterile sex vs. homosexual sex. 

Some other observations:
- numerous girls in mini skirts wearing too much make up
- the gentleman who sat directly in front of me didn't move once, I am not even sure he blinked.
- I haven't heard the word erection used in class since the 6th grade, and I have never heard it used the way my prof used it.
- prof also made penis jokes.

All in all I would have to say that this class rocks, it's a little funny because it's first thing in the morning (note to self, drink coffee tues/thurs)  and then i go directly to "perspectives on Jesus" which seems a little... well... insert word here how about? haha


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