Unsatisfactory Experience

Yesterday John and I decided to hit up some Ding Dong for lunch.

Randomly bumped into my sister and her friend! :) But then Katelyn and Hannah went upstairs and these two middle aged gentlemen ( i use that term lightly here) took their seats which were directly behind us.
I wasn't meaning to listen in on their conversation, it's just that they were talking at a level so that it was nearly impossible not to overhear them.
One of them went on and on about his girlfriend and how she is so worried about this family in Haiti that their church wants to feed, she is a single mom with 9 children. His opinion went something like this "why the hell is some woman in Haiti having 9 kids without being married" and soon after,  "why should I have to feed them, I work hard and give my support to the local community, I don't need to be feeding some woman in Haiti"
Then he talked about how they were planning a vacation but his wife was having a hard time figuring out where they could go because any place he mentioned she said something like "Well i won't do well vacationing there unless we spend some time helping the poor" Which infuriates him "I need a f*&^ing vacation, not some mission trip! If you want to go help the poor then be my guest"
I started very quickly losing my appetite...
Then he had the nerve to say things like "there was an Indian stealing in this store the other day, and people tell me I'm not supposed to be prejudice! ha!  It wasn't a white boy stealing! It wasn't a Chinese!"
prejudice?? thats RACIST!
man - "those Indians make up 10 percent of our cities population but they take up 90 percent of our jail space, they need to do what they did up North and weed them out"
At this point my napkin had been placed over my meal and I wanted to leave.
So we did.
I didn't think that Ding Dong would allow such rif raf into their establishment... and then I realized that I live in hickville, and they are everywhere, it's just not every day that I get to experience them full on.


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