
We started our companies website! yay! Go check it out... even though there is basically nothing to see YET! :)

James Walker

Mr. Carson was the Mad Hatter for Halloween, pretty cool hey?

Anyways, today was Philosophy of Sexuality day so I need to say that this blog post may offend some people! If you are feeling easily offended today please do not read any further...

We are currently working on an article that critically analyzes what sex is and what kinds of sex are perverse according to the particular theory. Long story short this guy came up with something called the "Liberal Sexual Mythology" which basically explains the 3 biggest myths regarding sex:
1. The essential (or even sole) aim of sex is the enjoyment
2. Sex is essentially private
3. Any sexual activity is as valid as any other

Now, number one is the most problematic so our Prof asked us if we thought that people actually believed and lived by the first myth...

**Like I've said before this blog was inspired by a close friend who wanted many things but one of them was to know if 'that guy' was going to be in this class... and today was the day that 'that guy' finally spoke up.

Guy - " Yeah I totally believe number one, I mean that's why we have sex right? (laughter) Man, girls don't understand, like, guys get BLUE BALLS and girls don't know what that feels like"
Prof - "Um no girls do know what that feels like, I'm sorry that I don't have a penis and two balls but I know what it feels like to not get the relief from cumming"
Guy - "Well I guess what I mean is like, it just depends what the girl is willing to do for the guy to make sure he doesn't get blue balls you know? The whole point of sex is to get pleasure which is an orgasm."
Prof - "did you know that some people suffer from chronic orgasms? They can't function on a day to day basis because they can have multiple PAINFUL orgasms throughout the day?"
Guy - "Oh man i didn't know that, I guess a person isn't meant to have like, 50 orgasms a day"
*classroom in uproar
Blonde guy next to me - "SHUT UP GUY! I can see how someone who has never had sex before would think those things, however once someone has experienced sex they understand that there is a deeper connection that happens then strictly pleasure"

very funny.

But the best part happens now...

The Prof started calling out names while handing out quizzes and what name does she call?

"James Walker"

my heart stopped beating for a second, until I saw a small nerdy looking man walk up and retrieve his quiz...

MR JAMES WALKER! You're in my class afterall!!! :D

** James Walker happens to be the friend who inspired this blog for all those who are unaware.


John and I traded in both of our cars and got a brand new VW gold wagon diesel. It's a beauty!
Well we are financing (obviously) and they gave us a rate of 3.9% which is why we were able to do this deal in the first place. In fact, we were told on 4 different occasions that the rate was 3.9.
Yesterday we get a phone call from the financial guy at the dealership "yeah um... I have some bad news, there seems to have been a problem with the rate we gave you, you were supposed to get a rate of 4.9 because you have a diesel engine, 3.9 is for gas cars only... and I remember John saying to me that it was a gas so I am going to need $1100 from you guys"
I'm like, um no? John NEVER said it was a gas engine first of all, don't be putting words in our mouths, and second of all that's the rate you gave us, and we signed a binding contract.
So he tells me to talk to John and get back to him.
John calls his dad (lawyer) and he explains that since we signed a binding contract saying 3.9 then that's what it is.
Also called VW finance, and they told us the same thing.
So I call Ken back, and I say I am really sorry that you made that mistake Ken but unfortunately John and I will not be paying you 1100 dollars.
Ken loses his mind.
I got this list of lies (quite impressive):
- the contract is void because it says the wrong interest rate (rrrrr wrong)
- the manager is probably going to take the car back (rrr wrong, if he does i will charge him with theft seeing as I hold the bill of sale in my paws!)
- this is going to come out of my pocket (no... but it may come off of your commission!)
- why can't you understand that I'm not perfect, other people in this situation would have no problem coming in and giving us the money or signing a new contract (thats nice, those people probably have more then 20 dollars in their collective bank accounts!)
- why should I have to take the hit for something that you shouldn't be getting? The next person that walks through those doors will get the rate of 4.9 so why do you get special treatment! (um ken, remember this was YOUR fault?)

Anyways, I could write a book on the lies I was told and that doesn't make me want to help you ken!!!

Maybe if you would have been straight up with me from the beginning and told me what was going on WITHOUT putting words in Johns mouth and what not I would have agreed to help you!

Please see the youtube video link i posted... and if you youtube 'badger commercials' you will get to enjoy 10 others which make your gut split they're so funny.

We Aim To Please (Johnson Hyundai Commercial)

This goes along with my 'badgered' post.

Unsatisfactory Experience

Yesterday John and I decided to hit up some Ding Dong for lunch.

Randomly bumped into my sister and her friend! :) But then Katelyn and Hannah went upstairs and these two middle aged gentlemen ( i use that term lightly here) took their seats which were directly behind us.
I wasn't meaning to listen in on their conversation, it's just that they were talking at a level so that it was nearly impossible not to overhear them.
One of them went on and on about his girlfriend and how she is so worried about this family in Haiti that their church wants to feed, she is a single mom with 9 children. His opinion went something like this "why the hell is some woman in Haiti having 9 kids without being married" and soon after,  "why should I have to feed them, I work hard and give my support to the local community, I don't need to be feeding some woman in Haiti"
Then he talked about how they were planning a vacation but his wife was having a hard time figuring out where they could go because any place he mentioned she said something like "Well i won't do well vacationing there unless we spend some time helping the poor" Which infuriates him "I need a f*&^ing vacation, not some mission trip! If you want to go help the poor then be my guest"
I started very quickly losing my appetite...
Then he had the nerve to say things like "there was an Indian stealing in this store the other day, and people tell me I'm not supposed to be prejudice! ha!  It wasn't a white boy stealing! It wasn't a Chinese!"
prejudice?? thats RACIST!
man - "those Indians make up 10 percent of our cities population but they take up 90 percent of our jail space, they need to do what they did up North and weed them out"
At this point my napkin had been placed over my meal and I wanted to leave.
So we did.
I didn't think that Ding Dong would allow such rif raf into their establishment... and then I realized that I live in hickville, and they are everywhere, it's just not every day that I get to experience them full on.

Viewer Discretion Is Advised

Today was the official beginning of the journey into philosophy of sexuality.

This blog was created entirely for the purpose of depicting my ridiculous classmates for a friend living over seas. This class uses an absolutely offensive vocabulary so if you are easily offended I do not recommend reading any postings under this page as your ears/eyes  (depending if you are reading aloud) may start on fire.

Let me begin with the prof.
Awesome. She opens the class with the word 'cunt', and says it 50 times over just so that anyone who can't handle it drops out quickly. There are 44 of us I think? And I would guesstimate that 30 are female, but I am going to do a gendered head count on thursday.
There is a man who was sitting in front of me with salt and pepper hair who wore a wedding ring and giggled at the prof's jokes about her personal sexual encounters, he would also turn around to see if anyone else was finding these stories to be as hilarious as he did.
There was also another younger fellow in the front row who looked like he had never been so interested in anything else in his entire life. He is a regular at Starbucks so I will be sure to make a joke about sterile sex next time he comes in because he was so intrigued by the natural law theorists and their stance on sterile sex vs. homosexual sex. 

Some other observations:
- numerous girls in mini skirts wearing too much make up
- the gentleman who sat directly in front of me didn't move once, I am not even sure he blinked.
- I haven't heard the word erection used in class since the 6th grade, and I have never heard it used the way my prof used it.
- prof also made penis jokes.

All in all I would have to say that this class rocks, it's a little funny because it's first thing in the morning (note to self, drink coffee tues/thurs)  and then i go directly to "perspectives on Jesus" which seems a little... well... insert word here how about? haha

Green Eggs and Ham

Engagement Party

Desaree Con't

Darling Desaree

mini cheesecakes

So I haven't technically tried these yet but I thought I should post the recipe seeing as I haven't added any food in a long time...

1 12 ounce package of vanilla wafers (or a cookie like it, you could also use a cookie of your choice like oreo crumbs!)
1 8 ounce packages of cream cheese
3/4 c sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp of vanilla extract (i use pure)

Do these things:
Pre heat oven to 350
Put 1/2 tbsp of crushed cookie into muffin tin, i lined mine with paper, you could also use tinfoil.. I also used the mini ones so they were extra cute. :)
Cream the cream cheese, sugar, eggs and vanilla, but not too much!
Fill the tin cups almost to the top
Bake for 15 mins
Top with pie filling, or whatever your heart desires.
I am topping mine with all sorts of things:
mini m&m's
chocolate sauce
white chocolate
OH and for fun I put some coconut in with the cookies on one batch!
I am so dangerous!
P.s I need to show off our Christmas present....


Wedding Registries.
Why? It is so dumb, John and I spent an hour in a store today trying desperately to find items to put on this registry.... we both felt sick over it, we don't need anything! Why would we 'upgrade' things we already have?

Mainly consumerism that surrounds Christmas, I gave everyone a coupon for a date night on me... hopefully people were not offended.

On the bright side I have booked a whole bunch of silly details for the wedding and am meeting with the florist tomorrow.

Question: Why is it that when you mention the word Wedding everything goes up in price? And not just a bit but like 5x as much?
I am contemplating telling vendors that its a bar mitzfah!

Tipsy Photos


The Heat Source

We put mattresses on the floor next to the heater and had a dance party

Blurry, but you get the point 5...4...3...2...1...!!!

The Cabin

John has mad dancing skills


This is us girls getting tired

Very exciting.