
Mushroom Lunch

Just thought I would share what we had for lunch today because it was soooo delicious but soooo bad for us! We made a delicious mushroom sauce, cooked bacon, and had left over roast chicken... took a piece of toast, put bacon on it, then chicken, then smothered it in mushroom sauce. DELISH!

Oh Contraversy

Continuing the PIB argument, we got a little off topic on thursday and opened up a discussion about homosexual couples raising children.
The question was, do you think that homosexual couples are capable of properly raising children?

Girl # 1 - No I don't think that they are capable of giving a child what he/she needs. Children need a mother and a father, they need to learn about the hunter and gatherer. If they only learn about hunting or gathering then they are missing out on the other one which is important. And also the child would be ridiculed in school by their classmates because it is not normal two have to moms or two dads. 
Does this girl live in the 21st century? hunter and gatherer? really?

Prof - okay, you touched on a couple of points here... let's start with the children being ridiculed, yes you may be right by saying that. Now, as for your first point, I'm not going to say "hunter and gatherer" is correct here, but what I think you are getting at is the specific gender roles that society has constructed as being either masculine or feminine, and I see what you are saying about having both sides but couldn't the child have a different adult in their life that plays one or the other role? Does it necessarily have to be the parent?

Girl #2 - Studies have shown that children who have same sex parents are more happy and well adapted then children from heterosexual relationships. Same sex couples have a hard time having children, they have to fight quite hard in order to become parents, so they are usually more appreciative of their child and that child feels loved and cherished, etc, which is exactly what makes a child healthy. Also, they have found that when the childs peers find out about them having two moms or dads they think its "cool! you have TWO MOMS! awesome!" Maybe 20 years ago children would be ridiculed, but not now.

Boy #1 - I don't think that having same sex moms is a bad thing, but I don't think that 2 guys could do it. Every child needs a mother, no man can give a child the bond that a child has with their mom.

Prof - HAHA! You said it not me - men are incompetent! ... But I do not agree with you, I personally would be an awful mother - I spend an hour with my nephew and I am exhausted, I know way more men that would be better "moms" then I would be!

Needless to say it was an interesting class, it's always funny to me when you are sitting in a liberal arts class and the bigots open their mouths.


More Maui

I haven't had time to edit any photos! But Becca is begging for more footage so here is some more! John took majority of these, I think I took maybe 3 of these pictures, John is amazing. Oh and if you go to you can listen to the whales! soooo cool!

The turquoise colour is the whales belly! I want a polarized lens!

Poor whale had barnacles..

Ouch! So many barnacles

Baby whale learning how to breach, check out those eyes!

Going to a Luau

Bit of perspective... a VW beetle would fit inside a humpback whales lungs...

spotted dolphin jumping!

whales and dolphins don't usually hang out... but that day they did!

grandpa sea turtle chillin out

bye bye maui... sigh

The PIB argument

   Yesterday we got back into the swing of things, we were discussing an article that addressed the "Homosexuality and PIB argument" P is polygamy, I is incest and B is bestiality. This article was written by a younger professor who did not agree with previous articles that lumped homosexuals in with PIB's. Other articles had said things along the lines of, if you think that homosexuality is natural then you will be caught in a slippery slope and think that polygamy, incest, and bestiality are natural.
Well this professor did not agree with this statement so he wrote a 30 page article on the differences between homosexuality and PIB... which I then wrote a critical essay on and ripped him apart haha. Anyways, this one girl in the class had so many questions about the Canadian laws concerning PIB, since it is now legal for homosexuals to be legally married in Canada she wanted to know what we were doing about the other ones.
Some interesting facts about Canada:
- Polygamy is legal in Canada, or so we think? the law defines polygamy as "one man having several wives", it doesn't even include women?! Wow... how long has it been since this was written? Polyandry is when a woman has multiple husbands, and polygaNy is when one man has several wives. PolygaMy is the overall term for multiple spouses.
- Polygamy is legal in Saskatchewan (GROSS)
- The law defines incest as having sexual relations with your immediate family (parents, grandparents, or siblings) it does NOT mention cousins...
I left class feeling quite perturbed.
Overall this wasn't a very good class, but I hope you can have a giggle at the outdated laws in Canada.