Rant rant rant

Tis' the season, the season for Kristin's blood to boil on a daily basis as she watches everyone around her get sucked into the consumerism hurricane. Have I mentioned how I loathe Wal-mart? Oh just typing that name makes me shaky... I over heard a couple of girls at Starbucks last night talking about how they were able to "spin a wheel" at wallyworld and that wheel gave her 40% off her purchase that day... ... ... um... WHAT! why the hell does WALMART need a wheel that gives deals like that?! Aren't their prices a joke as is it? Aren't the poor Chinese workers, slaving away to give the Americans the "Save money. Live better." slogan being slapped in the face enough? Or maybe they could have an option on their wheel that says "today only we will pay our employees a fair wage, or give them health benefits for a week".
Why oh why do people continue to shop there? Do people not realize that the prices are actually too good to be true? That Walmart causes local business to crumble? Do people not care anymore? Did they ever care? And the other thing that gets me going is the fact that so many people who could afford to support our local businesses pull up in their SUV's and load up at Wal-mart. Wal-marts are built in rich areas, ever noticed that? You don't see them in the inner city, or on major bus routes, but in the suburbs. There is something wrong with this picture. The people that actually need low prices can't get to them without a challenge, hour bus ride with their children... sounds like fun!
Feel free to add on to this.
and watch the Wal-mart movie when you have a free hour.


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